GTD designs and manufactures a wide range of Electrical Element Ovens, Electric Ceramic Ovens and Electrical Dryers. These range from Batch (or Box) Ovens; through continuous and Conveyorised Ovens and Dryers. All are designed to your requirements, or manufactured to the parameters that comprise our Standard Oven Range.
Electrical Ovens are heated using electrical elements, as opposed to a gas burner. The electrical heating method allows us to design for many applications including drying electrical components such as transformers, printed circuit boards and motors. Our Electrical Double Oven range typically caters for designs where the use of two chambers provides more flexibility in product processing.
GTD can claim more than 18 years of experience, innovation, data collection and data modelling relevant to Electrical Ovens and Dryers. We can design an Oven or Dryer to suit and optimise your required process.
To assure yourself that a GTD Electrical Oven will perform as required, we invite you to trial your product in the GTD Test Oven. For more information on the GTD Test Oven please select the link in the menu at left, or click here.